Covid-19 Resources
We know many of you have questions and concerns about Covid-19 and we want you to know that Hillel is here for you. Below is a list of resources from Yolo County, the State of California, UC Davis, and Sacramento State.
Yolo county
Here is a link to the website of Yolo County.
State of California
The State of California has its own website dedicated to Covid-19 statistics and resources.
Sacramento State
Please use this link to view Sacramento State’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
UC Davis
You can view the full page on the UCD website here dedicated to covid preparedness. As of June 24, 2022, campus testing requirements have ended.
Student Health and Counseling Services
Health and counseling services are still available to students. For both medical and counseling visits, students can make appointment for virtual visits with their Health-e-Messaging account or calling 530-752-2349 (medical visits) or 530-752-0871 (counseling visits). Crisis appointments are available as well. Visit their website here.
General Health Guidelines
The CDC has detailed health guidelines about covid-19 prevention and treatment.