Student Board

Mission Statement

The purpose of this board is to act as an advisory council to the Hillel at Davis and Sacramento Staff and Board of Directors in order to ensure that Hillel effectively adheres to the dynamic needs of the students.  

This board will be dedicated to working in conjunction with the Hillel Staff, Interns, Board of Directors, and all affiliated student organizations to ensure that Hillel remains a welcoming and engaging center for Jewish life on campus. 

It will ensure that Hillel is a vibrant and active community for generations to come by representing the students and assisting the Hillel staff with engaging students.

Thank you for your leadership!


Ellie Osher (Co-President)

Tivana Schlein-Kopple (Co-President)

Adira Zylberman (VP of Communications)

Ari Tilles (VP of Operations)

Ezra Rubin (VP of Resource Development)

Hudson Prunier (VP of Engagement)

Aviv Berlin

Ben Sherstinsky

Jonah Meier

Keilah Cordova

Kestrel Bierner

Maya Samipur